Výskum hlasu, pohybu a priestoru.
Hlas - spev je formou pohybu. Kinga Ötvös skúma hlas v pohybe a ich vzájomné prepojenie. Použije hlas na definovanie dynamického priestoru. Naše hlasy a zvuk, ktorý vypĺňa priestor, je samotným zvukovým priestorom. Hlasy sú dynamické, takže priestor je tiež dynamický.
Znovuobjavme náš pohyb v priestore definovanom zvukom!
/// ENG
Research on voice and movement and space.
Imagine that voice/singing is a form of movement. Kinga Ötvös researches for a voice in the movement. What is the connection between movement and voice? She will use the voice to define a dynamyc space.
Our voices can define space. The sound, which fills in the space, is the space itself. A sound space. Our voices are dynamic, so the space is also dynamic. How can sound create space? How can we place our bodies in a sound space? Can we reinvent our movement in a space defined by sound?
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