Nasadiť plynové masky, čaká nás oslavička! FARA krstí vinyl Továreň na odpadky. Ako hostí privítame našich verných elektro-industrial kamarátov Opposer Divine a riot grrrl / noise duo menom SIKSA z Poľska. Celé sa to udeje vo veľkej sále Tabačky, takže očakávajte masívny zvuk.

Put on your gas masks, the celebration is comming!


 ++ FARA ++ 
(industrial gothic / punk)
Kvapôčka koly v supermarkete. Krúžok salámy v miestnej mäsiarni. Sáčok v sáčku, betón v betóne. Dvaja pracovníci obsluhujúci strunové mechanizmy za monotónneho doprovodu hluchej bubeníčky. Anjeli zvestujú nanebovstúpenie debility. Nič sa nevyrieši.
Droplet of cola in a supermarket. Slice of salami in a local butchery. Sachet inside a sachet, concrete inside a concrete. Two workers operating stringed mechanisms with the monotonous accompaniment of a deaf drummer girl. Angels are apostoling ascension of debility. Nothing is going to be resolved.

 ++ SIKSA ++ 
(noise danger/discomfort riot grrl)
SIKSA (born: 21 November 2014 in Gniezno, died: 27 July 2019 in the Czech Republic), daughter of Shivers and Failure, nee Freiheit. She spent her formative years not competing. Extremely talented, she finished her trial without a diploma. She didn’t collaborate when being invited, after experiencing great love she writes lyrical songs. She combines her imprecise workshop with a limited palette. In her work we can see the disappearing rural cottages, old mansions, clumps of trees, grass, reed beds and streams bathed in ashes and panic. Wild geese are getting ready to take off, the subject goes underground. A veteran never named the “Agnieszka Osiecka of the Polish Underground”. After the war, SIKSA settled down in a ventricular septal defect, disguising herself as a heart murmur.

Siksa (Alex Freiheit: scream and lyrics & Piotr Buratyński: bass guitar noises) is the most divisive Polish artist in recent memory, whose radical and brutally honest performances are smashing the patriarchy one gig at a time. Coming from punk, literary and theatre backgrounds, her shows dissect the Polish consciousness. To quote her own words, she’s a girl on a mission.

(electro industrial)
Temna elektronika na hranici elektroindustrialu, s melodickymi a ambientnymi prvkami.
The Opposer Divine sucastou velkej rodiny projektov okolo Terminal State. Role sa tu otocili, hlavnym autorom hudby je Minor Float. Projekt ma za sebou 3 pomerne uspesne albumy a niekolko vystupeni nielen na Slovensku ale aj Nemecku, kde sa tomuto stylu velmi dari. V tvorbe je mozne rozoznat vplyv industrialnej sceny z Vancouveru.

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