Aj v novom roku vás srdečne pozývame na stretnutia Knižného klubu v angličtine.
Začíname s Benjaminom Buttonom od Francisa Scotta Fitzgeralda vo štvrtok 9.januára o 17:30.

Text: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/6695
Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3EVF74alIA

Ak knihu prečítate, budeme sa tešiť na vaše dojmy a postrehy.
Neobávajte sa, ak knihu neprečítate, taktiež sa môžete zapojiť do diskusie.
Všetci sú vítaní, tešíme sa na vás! :)


We would like to invite you to the meetings of the Book Club in the new year.
We are starting with Benjamin Button by Francis Scott Fitzgerald on Thursday, 9th of January at 5:30 pm.

If you read the book, we are looking forward to hearing your impressions and observations.
If you don't read the book, do not worry, you can join the discussion too.
Everyone is welcome, we are looking forward to seeing you! :)